Recommended Supplementation to Support BH4 and Serotonin Levels:
Crave Curb – If there was a natural alternative to an SSRI drug, this supplement would be it. Providing amino acids, vitamins, and herbs in a synergistic formula to increase serotonin naturally, this product is a big help to individuals struggling with low serotonin and low melatonin levels.†
Methyl Complete – My favorite methylation-specific supplement which has helped many patients overcome depression caused by low BH4. Instead of taking dangerously high doses of folate by itself, better results are found by using all the other vitamins that work with tandem with folate – B2, B12, choline, and TMG. Use 1-4 per day as needed to keep the production of serotonin and other neurotransmitters in an optimum range.†
Dynamic Daily Meal –Originally designed to prevent muscle loss in elderly individuals, this product provides a complete amino acid profile in a hypoallergic, non-GMO, and great tasting form. Provides protein necessary to produce neurotransmitters as well as optimize muscle synthesis, gut health, brain function and more.†
UltraBiotic Multi-Strain – Given that gut bacteria produce amino acids which help us make serotonin, we need to make sure our gut is populated with healthy gut bacteria. This 7-strain probiotic is the best all-around formula I have seen and for long-term daily support.†
Omega Pure DHA 600 – Our brain is over 80% fat by weight and requires high levels of Omega 3 polyunsaturated fats to perform optimally. DHA is the most difficult Omega 3 for our body to produce and it is also the main Omega 3 needed inside the white matter of our brain. Depressed brains often have an imbalance of Omega 6 to Omega 3’s and benefit from daily support of high quality DHA.†