Good Morning,
Today I am posting two published research articles about methylation that I have written in the last couple of years. The first article is called Methylation and the Physical Exam. It describes what to look for on the outside of the body if you suspect someone has a methylation problem. I would also refer interested readers to a video I produced that also describes what to look for to identify methylation problems on the outside of the body.
The second article is called The Misery of Low Lipids. I wrote this paper to explain WHY it is so important to have adequate cholesterol levels and to dispel the notion that low cholesterol is a good thing. Low cholesterol is a big problem, and it interferes with methylation status by impacting the choline content of cells.
Both of these papers were written for doctors but I am certain individuals who are researching MTHFR will find these papers readable. I hope you find some useful information in these papers. As always, please reach out if you have any questions or comments. 208-322-7755 and
Yours in Health,
Dr. Rostenberg
RE: The Misery of Low Lipids
I am working with a doctor who is familiar with 23 and Me and methylation. I have recently been researching choline because it seems to be the common factor in POTS, blood sugar issues, and sleep paralysis (as in the condition related to narcolepsy). I eat a very low choline diet because of Celiac and egg/milk allergies. (On a side note, I am MTHFR -/- for 1298 and 677, but have plenty of other +/+, +/- elsewhere!) I am hoping you can address a few questions below so I can bring this information up at my next appointment.
What SNPs in particular relate to choline deficiency on the PEMT gene?
Is there a link between issues with the PEMT gene and APOE gene? (I’ve noticed crossover with Alzheimer’s mentioned. I am +/+ on the two most significant APOE genes, family history on both sides, and my father has NAFLD)
What tests are recommended to determine choline status?
What is the recommended treatment?
Thank you for your help!
Brilliant, easy to understand and clinically relevant info, thanks Dr Rostenberg!